Read more about Cinis Fertilizer's Nomination Committee, Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee.
Nomination Committee
At the Annual General Meeting of Cinis Fertilizer AB on May 25, 2022, the shareholders decided to establish a Nomination Committee and adopt instructions for the Nomination Committee.
The Nomination Committee’s tasks include preparing a proposal for the AGM regarding the following:
- Chairman of the AGM
- Members of the Board of Directors to be elected by the AGM
- Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Remuneration to the Board of Directors elected by the AGM, distributed between the chairman of the board, and the other members of the Board of Directors, and remuneration for work on the committees
- Remuneration to the auditor
- Election of auditor
- Instructions for the Nomination Committee
Nomination Committee ahead of the 2025 Annual General Meeting
The nomination committee consists of the following members appointed by the largest shareholders, based on voting rights, as per 30 September 2024, as well as the Chairman of the Board:
- Frederik Nilner, appointed by shareholder Jakob Liedberg
(36.4% of votes and capital as of 30 September 2024) - Thomas Ranje, representing himself
(15.3% of votes and capital as of 30 September 2024) - Morgan Sadarangani, appointed by shareholder Molindo Energy AB
(3.3% of votes and capital as of 30 September 2024) - Roger Johansson, Chairman of the board
Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the nomination committee are welcome to contact the nomination committee via e-mail, [email protected]. Proposals shall be submitted in due time before the 2025 Annual General Meeting to ensure that the proposals can be considered by the nomination committee. Information about the location and date of the 2025 Annual General Meeting can be found in the interim report for January–September 2024 which will be published on 28 November 2024.
Board Committees
Audit Committee
The Board of Directors of Cinis Fertilizer resolved to establish an Audit Committee in 2022. The Audit Committee consists of the Board in its entirety.
The Audit Committee's responsibilities include ensuring the quality of the company's financial reporting, risk management and internal control. The Audit Committee shall continuously meet with the company's auditor to stay informed about the focus and scope of the audit and discuss complex accounting issues and views on the company's risks. The audit committee shall inform the Board about the matters dealt with by the committee.
Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee consists of Åsa Källenius, chair, Viktoria Bergman and Morgan Sadarangani.
The Remuneration Committee's responsibilities include the preparation of recommentations to the Board of Directors regarding principles for remuneration and other terms of employment for Group Management as well as to monitor and evaluate the application of the guidelines for remuneration to Group Management as adopted by the AGM and of the current remuneration structures and levels in the Group.