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Green Financing

Here you will find information relating to Cinis Fertilizer's Green Financing Framework and green bonds.

Child and grown up holding crops essential to feed the world

Cinis Fertilizer has established a Green Finance Framework which enables the Company to issue, among other things, green bonds. The purpose of the Green Framework is to finance and/or refinance the construction of Cinis’ SOP production plants. S&P Global Ratings has conducted an independent review of the Green Framework, which has rated the Green Framework with a Dark Green shading.


Green Financing Framework
S&P Global Ratings' Second Party Opinion
Terms and conditions - Senior Secured Floating Rate Callable Green Bonds 
Intercreditor Agreement 
Guarantee and Adherence Agreement 
Cinis Sweden AB Annual Report 2022 (in Swedish)
Cinis Sweden AB Annual Report 2023 (in Swedish)
Cinis Sweden AB Articles of Association (in Swedish)
Cinis Sweden AB Registration Certificate
Cinis Fertilizer AB Articles of Association (in Swedish)
Cinis Fertilizer AB Registration Certificate


Demand for sustainable mineral fertilizers such as Cinis Fertilizer’s circular SOP has never been greater. Population growth and increased prosperity in combination with an increasingly warmer climate drives an increased need for SOP. Simultaneously, the geopolitical climate has led Europe and Sweden to open their eyes to the importance of becoming self-sufficient in mineral fertilizers to secure food supply.

IR contact

Charlotte Becker, IR & Communications Manager

+46 730 37 07 07
[email protected]